Your one in a million you got that shotgun shine
Your one in a million you got that shotgun shine

your one in a million you got that shotgun shine

The silky-smooth action coveted by bird hunters and competitive shooters alike was due to hand fitting of its parts. But there was a very good reason for this - there was a lot of sweat equity invested in this Remington. In some circles, there was no finer pump action ever produced. And every wing and clay shooter today owes a debt of gratitude to this son’s dedication. His son Val Browning saw his father’s final work through to production. Though not all the credit of this absolute classic should go to Browning himself. Not only is the Superposed a shooter, it’s also a looker. In turn, the moderately priced double became the classic field gun for bird hunters of all stripes, particularly in America. Instead, Browning came up with a design that could be mass-produced - what became know as the Superposed. The firearms genius did not come up with the over/under shotgun concept - Boss & Co. Like nearly all of John Browning’s designs, his last gun truly shifted the sands of the shooting world. And it was the only shotgun to ever be offered in more than 100 different variations and configurations during its lifetime. Winchester would go on to produce more than 2 million of the fast shooting and deadly accurate smoothbores. In particular, the shotgun’s ability to really reach out - 60 yards or better - made it among the most popular fowling pieces to ever come down the pike. The Model 12 struck a cord with the shooting public upon its release in 1912, with 100,000 initially sold its first two years of production. In addition to giving the shotgun cleaner lines, this change also did away with any visual obstructions between shots, thus making it faster for a hunter to bag a coveted double. Johnson’s improvement of John Browning’s Model 1897, the primary modification being the internalized hammer. Known as “The Perfect Repeater,” for the better part of the 20th Century this was the shotgun by which all other pump actions were measured.

your one in a million you got that shotgun shine

A few years back, Browning also reintroduced a version of this classic using a short-recoil operated system it has dubbed Kinematic Drive. Despite Browning ceasing the production of the original A5 in 1999, they can still be found at a reasonable price, for shotgunners willing to do some digging for this true classic. To boot, the Auto-5 would chew through shells rain, shine or choked with duck marsh mud. Before this point, most autoloaders were only capable of cycling specific loads. This classic was one of the most flexible autoloaders of its day, able to shoot a wide variety of loads, thanks to Browning’s ingenious reversible friction ring. It's no wonder, as it was a product of the legendary John M. Introduced in 1903, the iconic “Humpback” was perhaps one of the most successful sporting arms ever conceived. The 97 was essentially the evolution of another Browning shotgun design, the Model 1893, strengthened to handle new-for-the-time smokeless powders. Crocodile tears for the purveyors of poison gas and inventors of the modern flamethrower. The Model 97 was apparently so effective at its job during the Great War, the Germans filed a diplomatic protest over the weapon, claiming the shotgun was illegal per the Hague Convention due to it causing unnecessary suffering. doughboys thinning the German ranks in World War I with the “Trench Gun” or “Trench Broom” is what etched this John Browning design into history. Yeah, the Model 97 took its fair share of game in its 60 years of production, but that’s not why it’s remembered. So what are you waiting for? Check out these 10 classic shotguns you've got to own and find that smoothbore that can do it all for you.

your one in a million you got that shotgun shine

Thankfully, the firearms world is brimming with excellent examples, many among the most affordable guns around. Honestly, if your gun safe is devoid of a shotgun it is truly not complete.

your one in a million you got that shotgun shine

And finally, certain specimens are among the most elegant and coveted guns ever forged from blued steel and walnut. Shotguns have literally taken nearly every game species known to man, from the very smallest to the absolute largest (we're talking elephants here people). The jack-of-all-trades is an absolute bruiser in a fight, arming shooters with overwhelming firepower. If there is one gun that might do it all, short of long-distance work, it's the shotgun. Vintage smoothbores and new classics, these 10 classic shotguns are gems of any gun safe.

Your one in a million you got that shotgun shine